Website To-Do List!
- Add images/gifs/videos to tutorials
- Add more clients to this client listing page.
- Add a collection of clientsearch findings.
- Add Deploy-History versions to the site, from all known gametests, sitetests, and other test sites.
- Add Pre-DeployHistory to the site.
- Add a recreation of roblox back-end stuff, so it will fix core-scripts, the toolbox, and other stuff.
- Make more tutorials, for more known patches.
- Update website to look more presentable.
- Add a tutorial for almost completely removing trustcheck (Effectively making roblox a basic web-browser)
- Add a tutorial for patching names and ids in pre-2011 clients
- Add a tutorial on how to remove top menu bar buttons
- Add a tutorial for patching corescripts to work
- Add a tutorial for disabling the command bar